
The call of cthulhu game
The call of cthulhu game

the call of cthulhu game

the call of cthulhu game

Notable for introducing Sanity as a character stat - your characters actually risk having their minds blown apart, partially or completely (and sometimes even literally), by the events they encounter. campaign is not so much to defeat the Enemy, but to survive Its horrendous onslaught while following the mystery out to its bitter - and usually grim - end. Your adventurers, or rather investigators, are dropped into scenarios right out of a Lovecraft story, and must keep their wits about them the goal of every C.O.C. One of the most famous Tabletop Games of all time, Call of Cthulhu combines the adventurism and teamwork of Dungeons and Dragons with the Lovecraftian Fiction setting of the Cthulhu Mythos. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.

the call of cthulhu game

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#The call of cthulhu game manual

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