#Fantasy general 2 cheat engine how to#
How to enter hack cheats engine Fantasy General 2.įantasy General 2 gift codes, hack, note.

Used to resist magic attack.Įxpendable - the death of this soldier has no negative impact on ally morale.Īmbush - strikes out of hiding when an enemy enters an adjacent tile. Morale - impacts the characters fighting power and is gained or lost by casualties caused or suffered in their immediate vicinity. Search - how far a unit can see, revealing fog of war nad spotting non hidden units. Different terrain has different speed costs. Offers no protection agains magic attacks. Each point of armor roughly equals 8% of damage reduction against physical attacks. Gain a random treasure based on remaining wealth.Īrmor - total armor of the unit. Raid - a settlement over the course of a turn, destroying it and some wealth in the process. Resting - recovers morale, heals all wounds and removes all negative status effects from the unit at the start of their next turn. Wounds can be recovered through resting, while kills are permanent and are refilled at the end of a scenario, but reduce the units XP. The green bar represents the remaining health, the red bar the wounds suffered, the black bar killed units. The segmentation represent the unit’s squad members. Health - the total and remaining health of the unit. The Western imperial legion was dispatched to see off the highland raiders and with the help of Borderland clans Iseal and Machnar, destroyed high king Brendan’s army in the battle of Wyrm’s pass. Fed up with these raids, the Borderlands clans called on the empire - a powerful realm controlling much of Keldonia.

In the highlands of Fareach, clans of barbarian warriors have eked out a living in the harsh northern climate, constantly feuding with each other and raiding the wealthier Borderland towns. Three hundred years have passed since the Shadow wars have ravaged Keldonia and the world of Aer, and the struggles of the past have long since faded into legends.
#Fantasy general 2 cheat engine code#
Cheat engine hacks: secrets code Fantasy General 2 mode.Free hack cheats tools, codes list (andoind/ ios): gold coins, gem crystal, month card, promo ticket, artefacts, gift pack, gem crystal, premium pack.